
A few of our recently pubished themes


To get published you need to head over to our Facebook Page and look at the currently running themes, Below is the link to our Facebook Page


This is how our theme look on our Facebook page


It is best if your photograph is portait style thou we do print landscape style as well, your photograph also needs to be size in height 3500 and 300 dpi, to find out the properties of your photos click on the photo with your right mouse button , then on the menu that pops up click properties then click details when the properties boxes come up on the first page it gives the size of the photo, width x height and below that the dpi.

If your photos is not the correct size dpi then do a search on google on how to change the size and dpi for a photo on the software that you use.

How to be chosen

We look for a photograph that is well focused, well composed and that fits the current theme. If chosen when the theme closes you will recieve a message giving you more information with what to do next, Please do not enter a theme if you are not intending to send the photos in if chosen as this delays the publication and we may have to reopen the theme if we do not have enough forms/emails returned.

A few examples of photographs that have been put in for themes.









